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Association of
Iranian American

March Hike at Daley Ranch-Dixon Lake

  • 16-Mar-2025
  • 7:00 AM
  • Daley Ranch-Dixon Lake

AIAP’s MaRACH 2025 Hike

Daley Ranch-Dixon Lake Sunday March 16, 2025

Daley Ranch is located in the hills north of Escondido about five miles east of I-15. This hike is an 8-mile round trip easy hike and takes about 4 hours.

Place to Meet: Dixon lake, western parking lot.

Time: We will meet at 7:15 AM and start the trail at 7:30 AM sharp.

Direction: Take I-15 north to El Norte Parkway exit (next exit after HWY 78). Take El Norte Parkway east for about 3 miles. Go left on La Honda Drive (you will see signs for Lake Dixon) and go up the hill for 1.5 miles to the end of the road. Park your car on the left and get ready to hit the trail at the north end of the parking lot.

Please bring enough water, wear comfortable hiking boots and bring breakfast to share. Daley Ranch visit here.

Our picnic will be at the end of the hike in the picnic area of the park.

Picnic Information | Escondido, CA

Note: AIAP does not assume any responsibility for the safety and security of hikers, and shall not be held liable for any accident, injury, loss of property or damages as a result of joining the hiking event set up by AIAP. All hikers join the hiking events at their free will and assume all the accidental dangers of a hiking event, and shall not hold AIAP liable for any bodily, financial, or property damages.

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