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Association of
Iranian American


AIAP's Objective is to be a positive element in the professional, social and economical well being of its members and the community. Membership is open to all professionals interested in the Persian/Iranian culture. AIAP's goal is to Inform the community of important issues through its email list. Its members and friends conduct their Recreational Activities such as hiking and camping. To find out more about future events please visit the Hike & Nature Exploration page.

AIAP is Non-Profit. Yet, it strives for a healthy financial balance to support foundations such as the Iranian-American Scholarship Funds at UCSD and SDSU, and the Child Foundation. AIAP is Non-Political. Yet, it strives to protect our professional interests, image and reputation. AIAP also encourages balanced and non-discriminatory media coverage. AIAP has NO Religious Preference and promotes mutual respect among all its members with different beliefs and religious backgrounds. 

@2021 AIAP Organization. All Rights Reserved.

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