AIAP officers, members, volunteers, sponsors, vendors, employees and any person who participates in any event (hike, picnic, general meetings, show, seminar, social, sport or recreational activities) are all included here as the “AIAP.”
AIAP members records and personal information collected in any way are regarded as confidential and therefore will not be divulged to any third party. AIAP does not sell, share, or rent its members personal information to any third party or use their e-mail address for unsolicited mail. All registration information, including e-mail addresses and phone numbers, is subject to the respective privacy. Upon registering, the members agree to receiving emails from AIAP.
Each person who participates in any AIAP event consents to being occasionally filmed or photographed, whereas their image, voice, and likeness may be posted on AIAP website or print for AIAP promotional purposes. Any photography, video, or artwork captured or produced before, during or after any AIAP even is exclusive property of AIAP. No photography or videotaping by any person not authorized by AIAP is allowed.
There are known and unknown risks involved in any Event. Each person who participates in any AIAP event, in consideration of being allowed to participate in AIAP events, assumes all known or unknown risks, inherent in or incidental to the events, including bodily injury, permanent disability or death, and release AIAP from all claims related to or arising out of the AIAP events. Each person who participates in any AIAP event on behalf of themselves and their heirs, assigns and minor children agree to release AIAP and agree to hold AIAP harmless and free of blame for any accident, injury, illness or damage known or unknown related to or arising out of or during any AIAP event, including any and all claims, and release AIAP from all liability for any act, omission, negligence or otherwise to the fullest extent permitted by law.
In consideration of being allowed to participate in any way in AIAP events and activities, the undersigned acknowledges, appreciates, and agrees that: