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Association of
Iranian American

October General Meeting -2024

  • 30-Oct-2024
  • 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
  • Sufi Restaurant

Date: October 30th, 2024

Event Time: 6:00 - 9:00 pm

Location: Sufi Mediterranean Restaurant - 5915 Balboa Ave, SD, CA 92111

Short presenter:  Judith Wilson Shadzi 

Topic: Children’s Cultural Study

Based on a true story, Zeeba is a Nebraska farm cat that is adopted by a Persian family from Iran. She and her sister Peeshi not only experience all the trials of a cat’s life but are submerged into a foreign culture. They learn the Farsi language, and lounge on colorful Persian carpets. 

Step into the enchanting world of a fortunate cat whose limitless curiosity leads to unexpected adventures, all the while discovering all the customs of her cherished adopted family. Zeeba experiences love and loss, but she is smart and most of all, a survivor. This story is certain to be a favorite for all and one to read again and again.

In today’s world, with a mixture of people from diverse backgrounds in our midst, it is more important than ever to learn the beauty of each language and culture. It is only right that Zeeba, the cat that was loving, curious, and obedient, would strive successfully as the author herself did, to adapt and thrive in the Persian culture.

About Judith Wilson Shadzi Judith Wilson Shadzi is a published author, award-winning artist, and businesswoman. She received her Bachelor’s degree in Consumer Economics, and a minor in Iranian Studies from the University of Minnesota. Judith went on to receive a teaching credential in Health, and Master of Education at National University. 

Judith lived in Iran for five years during the 1979 Iranian Revolution and speaks fluent Farsi. 

She is Vice President of Cosmic Solar and Roofing, Inc, a company she and her husband Bahram own and with their son Pey, operate. They live on a solar-powered orchard in Southern California with their cat Una. 

For more about Judith go to

Main Presenter: Simi Razavian Architect, LEED AP, CGBP, CNE

Topic: Sustainable Architecture without Architects in Tabas, Iran (Persia)

Presentation: How people of Tabas, Iran (Persia) used micro-climate and

local materials to create energy-efficient and sustainable homes.

How modern, famous architects use the same techniques, even in San Diego.

About Simi Razavian:  Simi Razavian is an architect and partner in the firm of MSA and Assoc. Inc. specializing in environmentally friendly developments. Her designs incorporate sustainable and energy efficient techniques into modern buildings. She received her Master of Science in Architecture and Urban Planning from Shahid Beheshti University in Iran (formerly Melli University). She is certified as a green building designer by Build It Green and as a LEED AP by the U.S. Green Building Council.

Simi has been practicing architecture in the greater San Diego area since 1987, focusing on custom residential design. Her passion is designing comfort-maximizing buildings based on passive solar design techniques she learned from studying architectural elements in the ancient city of Tabas.

Her work has appeared in many recognized publications in San Diego, such as: 

  • San Diego Magazine

  • San Diego Home and Garden

  • East County Magazine

  • La Jolla Light

  • Décor and Style Magazine

  • Dwell Magazine

Simi first lectured on her design principles at the American Institute of Architects’ (AIA) convention, San Francisco in 2009. Since then, she has been subsequently invited to speak to many other audiences, including:

  • Notre Dame University, School of Architecture

  • UCSD Osher Lifelong Learning Institute

  • SDGE 

  • CCSE California Center for Sustainable Energy 

  • Hewlett Packard

  • SIAP Society of Iranian Architects & Planners Los Angeles

  • La Jolla Library

  • New Mexico Solar Energy Association

  • Women in Architecture, San Diego 

  • La Jolla Library

Language: Farsi/English

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