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Association of
Iranian American

September 18th, 2022 - Monthly Hike

  • 18-Sep-2022
  • 6:45 AM (PDT)
  • Torrey Pines State Reserve

     AIAP September Hiking     

AIAP September Hike will be at Torrey Pines again. Due to the summer hot weather, we try to hike at the cooler areas and start the hike earlier.

This hike is approximately 6 miles of easy walk in Torrey Pines State Reserve and takes about two and a half hours. Please bring enough water and wear comfortable hiking shoes.

Date: Sunday, September 18, 2022

Meet Time: 6:45 AM (We get together at 6:45 am and start the hike at 7:00 am)

Place to Meet: Torrey Pines State Reserve Parking Lot (In front of the restrooms)


From Hwy 5, exit on Carmel Valley Road and drive west for about 1.5 miles till you reach the

Coast Highway 101. Turn left and proceed along the beach for about a mile. The park entrance is on your right just before the highway begins to climb the Torrey Pines grade. Park your car in the parking lot and join the group.

GPS Address: 

Torrey Pines State Natural Reserve

12600 N Torrey Pines Rd, La Jolla, CA 92037

For more information about this hike click Here

Note: "AIAP does not assume any responsibility for the safety and security of hikers, and shall not be held liable for any accident, injury, loss of property

or damages as a result of joining the hiking event set up by AIAP. All hikers join the hiking events at their free will and assume all the accidental dangers

of a hiking event, and shall not hold AIAP liable for any bodily, financial, or property damages."

AIAP July Hike will be at Torrey Pines.

This hike is approximately 6 miles of easy walk in "Torrey Pines State Reserve" and takes about two to three hours. Please bring enough water and wear comfortable hiking shoes. 

Date: Sunday July 17, 2022

Meeting Time: 6:45 AM (We get together at 6:45 a.m. and start the hike at 7:00 a.m.)

Place to Meet: Torrey Pines State Reserve Parking Lot


From Hwy 5, exit on Carmel Valley Road and drive west for about 1.5 miles till you reach the Coast Highway 101. Turn left and proceed along the beach for about a mile. The park entrance is on your right just before the highway begins to climb the Torrey Pines grade. Park your car in the parking lot and join the group.

GPS Address: 

Torrey Pines State Natural Reserve

12600 N Torrey Pines Rd, La Jolla, CA 92037

For more information about this hike Click Here.

Contact us at

Note: AIAP does not assume any responsibility for the safety and security of hikers, and shall not be held liable for any accident, injury, loss of property or damages as a result of joining the hiking event set up by AIAP. All hikers join the hiking events at their free will and assume all the accidental dangers of a hiking event, and shall not hold AIAP liable for any bodily, financial, or property damages.

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