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Association of
Iranian American

Monthly Hike: Daley Ranch and Stanley Peak in Escondido

  • 19-May-2024
  • 7:45 AM
  • 2256 La Honda Dr. Escondido, CA 92027

The AIAP's May hike will be at Daley Ranch and Stanley Peak in Escondido. 

When: Sunday, May 19th, 2024 

Time to Meet: We will meet at 7:45am at the park entrance parking lot, 2256 La Honda drive, Escondido, 92027 and start promptly at 8:00.  

Coordinates 33.16684, -117.05166

Daley Ranch - City of Escondido

The hike is approximately 6 miles with some mild incline. We will be hiking up to Stanley peak, with a round trip distance of approximately 6 miles and will take about 4 hours. There are several picnic areas in the park with picnic tables for us to use for breakfast.

Daley Ranch is a 3,201-acre conservation area acquired in 1996 by the City of Escondido and is managed in perpetuity for the preservation of a biologically unique and diverse habitat area of regional importance. Visitors can enjoy a variety of recreational and educational opportunities and experiences in a historically significant setting. The property contains a number of natural vegetation communities including lush oak woodlands, coastal sage scrub and chaparral, grasslands, and riparian areas.

Address: 2256 La Honda Dr. Escondido, CA 92027.  

Please bring water, snacks, sharable breakfast and wear comfortable hiking shoes. 

Note: "AIAP does not assume any responsibility for the safety and security of hikers, and shall not be held liable for any accident, injury, loss of property or damages as a result of joining the hiking event set up by AIAP. All hikers join the hiking events at their free will and assume all the accidental dangers of a hiking event, and shall not hold AIAP liable for any bodily, financial, or property damages."

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